Domestic/ Home Buyer Surveys (For Purchasing, Selling or Maintenance)
When buying a new home some home buyer survey reports state that “the property may contain asbestos building materials” although no specific identification is made.
Due to the potential health hazards associated with asbestos based materials most building surveyors will recommend a separate survey be commissioned and completed by competent persons.
We have developed bespoke home buyer asbestos survey reports to ensure information is easy to understand and more importantly easy to identify where asbestos has been identified. The report also includes any recommendations associated with the identified asbestos material to ensure it remains safe or if required a removal process be implemented.
Based on the HSG264 Guidance Notes Asbestos – The Survey Guide a management style survey would be completed for purchasing requirements. Additional elements of the survey would include budget removal costs for any materials identified to the property. This allows you to negotiate a fair reduction against any asbestos based material found should removal works be required.
For further information on how we can assist you or for guidance click here or contact us on 02034784000 or 07876 406292