If you own a property, are landlords or manage asbestos for an organisation and have a building material that you would like testing for asbestos we can help.
Upon request, a surveyor will attend your property or premise within a 24 hour turnaround to carryout asbestos sampling of the suspect material in a safe and professional. Upon completion the material will then be sampled by a UKAS accredited laboratory.
A bulk sample certificate will then be prepared following analysis of the suspect material and denote whether the asbestos content is present. From this identification an email incorporating the sampling report and our recommendations will be submitted to our client within 24-36 hours from the sampled being obtained. If you query is of an urgent nature we are able to offer fast track services if required.
For further information on how we can assist you or for guidance click here or contact us on 02034784000 or 07876 406292