How do we dispose of asbestos?

Q. How do we dispose of asbestos?

A. Due to the dangerous nature of asbestos containing materials it is best to leave any removal and disposal to a licensed contractor. They have the knowledge and equipment to correctly and safely remove the asbestos. Any asbestos waste must be taken to specialist waste landfill sites or waste transfer stations.

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ISO 9001:2008 QA


Work Examples

cement-product-lift-motor-brake-pads cement-product-pipe-work asbestos-insulation-board-infill-panels reinforced-composite-panels-encasing-concrete-columns-to-building asbestos-board-shuttering-around-floor-duct-opening cement-roof-tile-debris-within-roof-void-space textured-coated-materials-located-behind-modern-plaster-and-paper-wall-lining cement-product-infill-panels cement-product-fillets-used-as-undercloak-to-tiled-roof